Excel Office Tips You Need To Know

Here are 6 Excel office tips you need to know. Let’s explore them together in this article on Buffcom.net.
Compilation of Excel Tips You May Not Know
Using Paste Special Feature to Rotate Data
If you have a series of rows but want them to be columns or vice versa, you may get frustrated moving everything cell by cell. You can do it this way:
Step 1: Copy the data table you want to use
Step 2: Check the Transpose Box
Step 3: Click OK and paste it into another location
Then, the columns become rows, and the rows become columns.
Multiple Cells with the Same Data
For some reason, you have to write and rewrite the same thing in multiple cells on the worksheet. You just need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Simply click on the entire set of cells by dragging your cursor or by holding down the Ctrl key as you click on each cell.
Step 2: Type in the last cell, then press Ctrl + Enter
Then, what you entered will go into each selected cell.
Using Paste Special with Formulas
If you want it to show 1% when you press 1, you need to divide it by 100. This is when you should use Paste Special.
Step 1: Enter 100 in a cell and then copy it.
Step 2: Select all the numbers you need to reformat.
Step 3: Select Paste Special.
Step 4: Choose “Divide.”
Then, all the numbers will be converted to percentages. You can also apply it to mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Using Graphics in Charts
You can use graphics anywhere in Excel. For example, in the picture above, we have a flag of the state of South Dakota on a circular chart (created by selecting slice, selecting Series Option, and selecting “Picture or texture fill”), along with PCMag embedded (inserted with the Insert Button on the tab). You can leave it blank, that’s the missing part on the other side.
Save Chart as Template
Step 1: When a chart is completed, right-click on that chart.
Step 2: Select Save as Template. Save the file with the CRTX extension in the default Microsoft Excel Template folder.
Step 3: Choose the data you want to chart, go to the Insert tab, click on the Recommendation Chart, then go to the All Charts tab and the Template folder.
Step 4: In My Templates box, choose the template to apply, then click OK.
Conclusion on Excel Tricks
So through the above article by Buffcom.net, we hope that you can learn more about Excel tricks. However, this is not the end, let’s look forward to new tricks in the next article.
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