How to center-align icons on the Taskbar like Windows 10X

The Taskbar in Windows is one of the most versatile tools in the entire operating system. It not only houses the Start menu but also contains all your most frequently used programs, running programs, and even quick launch shortcuts, allowing you to perform quick actions directly from the taskbar. If desired, you can even add custom utilities such as a real-time network speed monitor to the taskbar.
To make your taskbar look more appealing and resemble Windows 10X, you can customize the alignment of icons to the center or even make the taskbar transparent. In this guide, I will show you how to achieve these things easily. Let’s get started.
Steps to center-align icons on the Taskbar:
Previously, you had to perform several steps to center-align icons on the taskbar. However, thanks to a simple and free application called FalconX, you can not only center-align icons on the taskbar but also make it transparent and even add custom animations to make it resemble the new Windows 10X taskbar.
Step 1: First, download TaskbarX from its official Github page. After downloading, extract the contents of the ZIP file to a folder on your screen.
Step 2: Now, open the extracted folder and double-click on the TaskbarX.exe file to install it.
Step 3: Immediately after doing that, the icons on the taskbar will automatically be centered. You won’t see any graphical user interface at this point to change the settings.
Step 4: Depending on the number of icons you have and the length of the taskbar, it will look different for each user. If you don’t like the default positioning, you can adjust it. To do that, double-click on the TaskbarX Configurator.exe file.
Step 5: In the settings window, navigate to the “Position” tab and adjust the values to change the position of icons on the taskbar. Once you’re satisfied, click the “Apply” button.
Step 6: When you open applications or pin more icons, the taskbar will automatically create space. At that time, you will have small animated images appearing. You can also customize them. Go to the “Animation” tab and choose one of the many animated styles, then click the “Apply” button.
Step 7: If desired, you can even apply transparency, blur, and dominant colors. Just go to the “Style” tab and customize according to your preference. Finally, click “Apply” to save the changes.
Restoring the original position of icons on the taskbar:
If you don’t want to center-align icons on the taskbar or use fancy animations, simply click the “Stop TaskbarX” button. This action will reset the taskbar to its original settings.
Click the “Restart Taskbar” button to continue using the utility.
As you can see, it’s quite simple to center-align icons on the taskbar in Windows 10. This utility offers many other interesting features as well, so feel free to explore them at your own pace. If you have any questions or feedback related to this article, don’t hesitate to leave your comments below.