2 quickest ways to change Word Docx file extension to Doc

Change Word Docx file extension to Doc when using the Word application to compose text is a very common task nowadays. Therefore, many people are likely familiar with the definition of Word file extensions. However, if you want to deepen your understanding of Word file formats and learn how to convert between docx and doc files simply, Buffcom.net can help. Refer to the following article from Buffcom.net for more information
What is a Word File Extension? What is a Doc File? What is a Docx File?
A Word file is one of Microsoft’s text editing programs that is widely used today. Typically, documents will be saved in 2 Word file extensions: .docx and .doc.
What is a Doc File?
A .doc file is a default extension of Word 2003 and older programs. This is a proprietary format of Microsoft, meaning that other software programs cannot use this format for their applications.
What is a Docx File?
A .docx file is a text file format for Word 2007 and newer programs. To be able to read documents saved in .docx format, the computer must have Word version 2007 or higher installed.
The Differences Between Doc and Docx Files.

The Differences Between Doc and Docx Files
How to Change the File Extension of a Word Document Using Microsoft Word
How to Change .Doc to .Docx
Step 1: Open the Word document you want to work on.
Step 2: Go to File, select Save as, and choose the location to save the file.

change Word Docx file extension to Doc
Step 3: In the Save as type box, select Word Document (*docx) and click Save.

change Word Docx file extension to Doc
Now your document has been converted to the new Word file extension .docx.
How to Change the File Extension from .Docx to .Doc
Currently, most people upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft to facilitate usage. However, some organizations still use the old version of Word 2003. Therefore, this version does not allow you to open the docx format, and you need to convert the .docx file to .doc to avoid errors when editing on older versions.
In this case, you can follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to File in the toolbar and select Save as.
Step 2: Choose the location to save the document.

Convert Word File Extension from .doc to .docx
Change the Word file extension from doc to docx
Step 3: In the Save as type box, select Word 97-2003 Document and click Save.

Convert Word File Extension from .doc to .docx
Then your document will be quickly converted from docx to doc.
How to Convert Word File Extensions Online Using Convertio without Installing Software
Instead of using the above method, you can also change the file extension of a Word document using online applications. Convertio is an application that allows you to change file extensions quickly and easily.
Step 1: In the Google search bar, search for Convertio and click on the website (if you already have the software installed, open it from your computer).

Convert Word File Extension Using Convertio
Step 2: Click on the Choose File box, and the window will appear. Select the docx file you want to convert and click Open.

Convert Word File Extension Using Convertio
Step 3: In the “to” box, select “doc“. Click “Convert“. Your document will be uploaded and converted to the doc extension (as shown in the illustration).

change Word Docx file extension to Doc
Step 4: Wait for a few seconds, and when the download is complete, click on the “Download” section. Now your document has been converted to the doc extension quickly.
Summary of Word File Extensions
Therefore, there are currently two most common Word file extensions: doc and docx. Depending on the Microsoft Word version, the steps to perform the operation will be different. Hopefully, the information provided by Buffcom.net above will make it easier for you to perform these tasks.
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